A US Postal Service worker has found 26 Giant Beetles -
some known as "Gargantuan Beetles" which can grow to a length of
8 inches
or more. The beetles were found during a routine inspection when
scratching noises were heard coming from the box. Upon opening the
box, the beetles were discovered. The shipment originated from
Taiwan. The box was labeled as "toys, gifts and jellies".
Gargantuan beetles are capable of extreme destruction to crops and
vegetation if left unmanaged. Because of their extreme size,
conventional pesticides will not kill them. It is thought that the
shipment of the giant beetles was a terrorist threat and the Department of
Homeland Security was contacted. Officials have since frozen the
beetles and put them on display. Live Giant Beetles are illegal to import
or possess in the USA.
CBS2 in Los Angeles reports...

Gargantuan Beetle on Display at
ePestSupply Offices in Dallas, Texas
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